We are here to discuss possibly my favorite thing in the world to do in the sports card buying process - making an offer. Lets dive into the pros and cons about making offers for cards on ebay.
When a seller has the option for "best offer" I am offering an amount that I feel would be borderline theft. I'm not telling you to go and offer $1 on a $150 card, but find some recently sold comps and find the lowest sell price on the same card/condition in the last 30 days and start there for an offer.
Typically there are three things a seller will do:
Best Case Scenario
They accept. When these listing are in their last hours (I make offers in the last 15 minutes often) you may have better luck for huge savings.
Next Best Case Scenario
A counter offer lower than the Buy It Now price. If the price is something I feel would be a steal I would accept. Often times I would re-counter with something in between that I feel would still be a steal.
Am I saying this works every time? No.
Am I saying this works once every 25, 50, 100 attempts? YES.
Worst Case Scenario
The seller counters somewhere between 100-1000x the Buy It Now price with a message for me to go sit on a roll of nickels. Here are a couple of my favorite responses:
Does anyone else think the worst case scenario is actually the best case scenario?
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